Welcome to Everett Gospel Mission.
A meal cracks open the door for a broken heart to begin to heal.
A meal cracks open the door for a broken heart to begin to heal.
You can help provide food, shelter and holistic Christ-centered help for men, women and children who are experiencing homelessness or trapped in poverty.
We can't do it alone, but by connecting with other life-changing organizations in our community a difference can be made.
Working closely with the local police departments provides the Mission with several social workers, as well as police officers, to help with our higher needs or more difficult to serve clients. We are able to provide the law enforcement with immediate access to overnight shelter, food boxes, clothes or toiletries for someone they are taking to detox. They provide us with assistance through transportation to facilities, and their social workers’ various skills and referral sources.
At the Men’s and Women's shelters, we have beds that can be used for respite by request from the discharge planners at Providence’s ER. This helps the hospital to discharge a homeless person, who is too vulnerable to be on the street, to a relatively safe and secure facility for short-term minor medical issues. The relationship goes both ways as often times we have called the social workers or a discharge planner in the ER to advise them of our clients we are sending over via 911.
Occupational Therapy Assistant Students
The Mission is a great place for new students entering the human services field to work with people of all backgrounds. The students are able to work with men and women on an individual basis and help with the various challenges they're facing.
The benefit to the Mission is that our clients are assisted by a group of people whose very specialty is job and life skills. It is a win-win.
What do you do when you have a family pet? We believe it is important that each member of a family is cared for, so we partner with Beck’s Place which specializes in caring for displaced pets through fostering while families are in our shelter or homeless.
The nurses of UW- Bothell have the opportunity to serve at both the Women's and Men's shelters. During that time they are assigned a project that will assist our clients. The help to develop protocols for medications, host onsite health fairs, and teach nutrition classes.
Our partnership with Snohomish County Health district brings nurses to the moms and children living at our shelter. Each family has the opportunity to meet with nurses who have the ability to assist and support them with medical needs, mental health issues, and other child wellness programs in the county. They also facilitate with establishing learning and developmental goals with the mothers, and integrate learning skills into play.
Together we can meet those suffering from homelessness, abuse, and addiction, and share God's love and give them the tools for recovery.
When you use your individual, God-given gifts to help those hurting in your community it raises them up and changes you!