We need you!

People Change Here, and you can be a part of that! At Everett Gospel Mission, we can only serve our neighbors through the help of partners like you.

New Opportunities! 

We’re so excited to have new volunteer opportunities and can’t wait to see you here at the Mission. 

We are currently in the process of expanding our volunteer program, including having several one-off and ongoing projects and tasks available for volunteers to consider. As more are setup, we’ll make them available here. 

Meanwhile, if you haven’t already participated in our Poverty 101, or it’s been a couple of years, we encourage you to plan to participate in an upcoming opportunity!

Poverty 101 is not only a volunteer training opportunity, it will give you great insight into who we are, how we operate and how you can be involved. 

Are you interested in sharing your gifts and talents with egm beyond basic opportunities? Poverty 101 is required for everyone interested in ongoing and special volunteer opportunities, everything beyond the basic opportunities that will be made available here. After alignment is confirmed via your participation in this workshop, we schedule conversations to explore possibilities and opportunities together. 


To get information about the Adopt-a-Room program, email CHawkins@EGMission.org