Snapshots: FEED HOPE HERE in Action
The bus ads are up. Our FEED HOPE HERE bumper stickers have been mailed out. Now it’s time to open our eyes and get the word out. The next time you’re at a bus stop, in a parking lot, or walking along the street and you see one of the Mission’s bus ads or a bumper sticker, take a photo and share it. We want the FEED HOPE HERE campaign to go viral, and to do that we need your help.
How? Share your photo on our Facebook page and tag it with these words: #feedhopehere
We’ll create a digital collage to get more people involved in our FEED HOPE HERE campaign so that no one goes hungry this season, and everyone gets the chance to start fresh. It’s one more way that you can make a difference and have fun at the same time. If you can, jump in the photo yourself so we can see the smiling faces of all our Everett Gospel Mission partners.
If you didn’t get a bumper sticker yet, stop by our Men’s Shelter and pick one up. There are plenty for everyone!