Whether it’s a young mother fleeing domestic violence with nothing but her child, an elderly man unable to work because of health problems, or a hardworking, healthy man in his thirties who just can’t seem to make enough money to keep up with the rising cost of living in Everett, the Mission’s doors are always open.
Thanks to generous donors and corporate partners like Campbell Auto Group, the men, women, and children in our city can find refuge from homelessness.
This year, Everett Gospel Mission is once again blessed to be a recipient of Campbell Auto Group’s annual Road to Home giving campaign. The heart of their company is one that is helping the most vulnerable in our region – by generously supporting the organizations that they trust to be faithful stewards of their contributions.
For every car sold by Campbell Auto Group between January 1st and March 31st, the company will make a donation to provide 5 nights of emergency shelter for an individual who would otherwise be trying to survive on the streets.
Thank you, Campbell Auto Group. The life-changing programs and services available at Everett Gospel Mission wouldn’t be possible without partners like you!