Stories are powerful. They show God working like nothing else can.

In fact, Skylar, who shared his video testimony on our Facebook page recently, discovered how powerful sharing your story can be. He recently got married and moved into the apartment his wife had been leasing. When the landlord saw him, she said he needed to fill out a tenant application. Skylar told her that he had a rough background and she might not like what she found. Immediately the landlord got nervous and alluded to making them move.

Skylar pointed her to the Facebook video, telling her that he’s not the same person anymore and that the video will explain why. He left it in God’s hands.

The landlord came back the next day and said she was happy to have them stay. In the three minutes it took her to watch the video, she saw a transformation that no background check would ever reveal.

Real life. Real love. Real grace. Real stories. That’s what we are all about here at Everett Gospel Mission. Thanks for being a part of it.

In His Service,
