Because of you...

Men and women experiencing homelessness get off the street. 

Those who have been hungry now have plenty to eat. 

People struggling with addiction find lasting freedom. 

Families are reunited. 

People meet Jesus.

Lives are forever changed!

Without You, April and Her Kids Might be Sleeping in Their Car! 

April* is from New Zealand and when she met Seth*, she fell for him pretty quickly. Eventually, they made plans to move to Washington from New Zealand and start a new life together with their three young kids.

But soon after arriving, Seth became physically abusive. To protect her kids, April fled. She took what little savings she had left and moved her family into a hotel room.

“Not having anywhere to live and no income was really hard,” April says.

What little money she had slipped through her fingers as the days went by and the hotel charges racked up.

“I thought, ‘When I run out of money for the hotel, my kids and I can sleep in the car,’ ”she remembers.

Fortunately, April heard about Everett Gospel Mission from the family resource center where her children were going to school. She was ecstatic when she got the call that she could move right in.

“This place provides so much—stability, a safe place for me and my kids. Otherwise, I don’t know where we would be,” April says. “We’re just really appreciative knowing that we have some stability, so the kids can keep going to school, not having to worry about where we’re going to sleep next.”

Because of friends like you, April and her kids got the help they needed. They are safe and looking ahead to a bright future with hope.

*Names changed for protection

Thank you!

April’s life wouldn’t have changed without the support of friends like you. 

Thank you for showing compassion when people need you most.