Christmas Ally Program 
Frequently Asked Questions

Why did the name change?


To better align with “the egm way” including programming and language, the term “Ally” is used instead of “Angel.” We invite partners to join with God and egm, coming alongside our guests as encouragers and supporters.


Why specific gifts?


To encourage agency, choice and confidence-building, we ask guests to decide what they want/need. Partners are invited to join egm in supporting our guests as they are empowered to choose and lead.


Why does EGM deliver everything?


For a variety of reasons, most importantly in effort to uphold the dignity of our clients, we do not facilitate partners giving/delivering gifts directly to clients. While we recognize the joy such deliveries can inspire among our partners, we also thank you for joining us in keeping our clients on center stage while we allies remain behind the curtain. This focus on the recipient versus the giver is a big part of the egm way.


We want parents to experience the full joy of sharing gifts directly with their children. Your generosity may be the first time a parent is able to see their child receive what they want for Christmas.


For individuals, there is an inherent shame that can be reinforced in receiving gifts as someone who is experiencing material poverty. Thank you for joining with us to protect our guests from experiencing that shame.


We encourage partners to appreciate that their generosity has an even greater impact when it also provides dignity for the recipient. Thank you for partnering with us in caring for our clients in this special way!

Gift drop off location:
Everett Gospel Mission
Administration Building
2222 52nd St.
Everett WA 98003

Partners who are interested in making direct connections with our clients are invited to consider these opportunities:

  1. Sign up for volunteer opportunities to help serve a meal. See for more information
  2. After participating in Poverty 101 to help clarify alignment, we invite partners to consider ongoing, relational volunteering opportunities, designed to fulfill specific program needs and or leverage special gifts and talents

Why can’t we wrap in advance?

In an effort to ensure each guest and family receive what they requested, egm organizes unwrapped gifts according to how they will be delivered by our team.

What if I want to give something else?

Partners are encouraged to consider our ongoing and occasionally updated needs lists to provide goods that benefit our guests.

New and like new clothing may be donated throughout the year at our Smith Campus, 3711 Smith Ave, Everett, WA  98201.

Financial and non-cash assets are always appreciated as they enable egm to care for all our guests.

How else can I bless guests?

Christmas allies are encouraged to drop-off cards and encouraging messages. These blessings will be shared with guests by the egm team.    

Christmas allies may also volunteer to help with gift wrapping after gifts are received by EGM. Gift wrapping sessions are scheduled for the week of December 15. Contact for details.

Thank you for partnering with Everett Gospel Mission to bless our guests this Christmas!