Christmas Ally Program

EGM provides opportunities for partners like you to become a Christmas Ally for guests at the Mission.

Formerly known as the Angel Tree Program, during the Christmas season we endeavor to ensure that egm guests receive gifts and experience Christmas with the hope Advent offers.


You can be a part of the celebration by sponsoring a family or individual, providing them with new gifts for Christmas. Our guests have filled out “wish lists” that we share with partners (you?) according to your interest and indicated budget. Christmas allies are requested to purchase specifically what guests have invited.


Once we know your interest and budget, we provide the corresponding first names of our guests and their wish lists. We invite you to purchase what our guests have asked for, and drop the gifts off unwrapped at or have them shipped directly to the mission administration building.


Gift drop off location:
Everett Gospel Mission
Administration Building
2222 52nd St.
Everett WA 98003

Christmas allies are encouraged to share cards and encouraging messages with egm guests. EGM will deliver everything to our guests. You will not have direct contact with, nor should you expect responses directly from our guests. (Why? See our FAQ).

As people who love children, we know kids often enjoy shopping for other children, we encourage you to include them in this special giving opportunity.


All gifts need to be at the mission administration building (unwrapped) by December 13, 2024.

To be a Christmas Ally, click here or the button below.

Christmas allies may also volunteer to help with gift wrapping after gifts are received by EGM. Gift wrapping sessions are scheduled for the week of December 15. Contact for details.

Thank you for partnering with Everett Gospel Mission to bless our guests this Christmas!