You don’t want to be homeless. Simon didn’t either. In fact, he did everything he could to avoid coming to the Mission. He believed the lie that hard-working people don’t end up homeless.
The truth is, sometimes they do.
And when they do end up on the street, you can help them get back on their feet.
Your gift of any amount today will help your neighbors in need become self-sufficient.
Invest in people – heart, mind, body and soul.
Here at the Mission we don’t just feed someone or provide a place to sleep for the night. For the people who come to the Mission for help, we provide counsel, health care, clean clothes and the opportunity to learn crucial job skills. Plus, we point them to Jesus, who can truly give abundant life – now and into eternity.
Because of the health issues so many of our homeless neighbors are facing, they can’t wait another day. They need help and they need it now.
The majority of people you will help are so thankful that they give back as soon as they can. That means by helping today, you can multiply our number of caring partners and help even more people!
Your gift of any amount will be someone’s first step to becoming self-sufficient. The more you give, the bigger impact you will have!
If Simon hadn’t gotten help when he did, he might not be alive today.
Please, give as generously as you can right now.